Discord Bot

  • JavaScript
  • Discord.js
Picture of Discord Bot

I built a Discord bot for my server as a fun side project. The bot is made in JavaScript with Discord.js.

It currently has the following functionality:

  • /help - get information about a command
  • /room - create your own private voice channel “room” in the server. You can name your room and change the visibility. By default, only you can enter your room, but you can invite other people with the “invite” subcommand.
  • /announce - command for admins only to announce a message or new command to everyone in the server.
  • /shuffle - my personal favorite command. This command shuffles everyone in the “lobby” vc to n different voice channels randomly, up to 10 teams. Dynamically creates and deletes voice channels.
  • /anilist - get information about your favorite anime/manga/character. This command interfaces directly with the AniList API using GraphQL to get its information.

Available on GitHub


  • Picture of Jarne Demeulemeester

    Jarne Demeulemeester